First, let me say thanks to everyone who is reading my blog and who took the time to send me kind words. I just love me my comments!

Now on to more important matters like baby bears. This little cub was his usual cute self yesterday.

The little ones that are already here and the ones that have yet to arrive are such a blessing!

Thanks to Chrissy for being such a fine model. It was cut way too short, so I hope you'll let me employ your services next week?!

I planned on posting a really awesome but scary picture of my guy that I happened to receive yesterday in my mailbox but somehow I mistakenly deleted it. Silly me. Guess subconsciously I'm not too thrilled looking at my sweet Wally as a killing machine. I'll definitely share when I get another copy, just so you can see how a person can transform so quickly.

TODAY: Round 10 - at least - with the lawn mower. If I could figure out a way to lift it into the car myself I'd take it to the dump get it fixed. I plan on spending lots of time at the computer doing the thing that actually pays the bills; pick up some food so that I can produce a meal that involves a stove; and get the laundry out on the line. Other than that I'll take it as it comes.

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