just F.I.N.E.

May is here and quickly passing by. This time of year would be considered the busiest time of year for me. So much to do. Especially when your other half isn't here to take on the heavy load. [Sigh] I have managed many a springtime without the muscles around and I'm slogg'n through this year just fine. Even if I do say so myself.

YESTERDAY I had a visit from the cutest little duo you could imagine (and their Mom and Grandma weren't so bad either). I finally met Noah in person. Oh! those eyes... they are dreamy. He spent the day being on the serious side. No chatty cathy here folks! He smiled. He cuddled. He checked things out. He was definitely squishable!
Now his almost 2 yr. old sister. That one is a firecracker! I've never met a 2 yr. old that wasn't a firecracker mind you, but this one is something special. She has those eyes that just draw you in. She has a smile that is totally infectious. She has a mind of her own. She is totally fun and totally adorable.

Lucky kiddos for having such a great Mom. Lucky Mom for having such great kiddos. Lucky me for getting to spend a little time with them.

TODAY: Taking advantage of our one day of sunshine to get the laundry done and out on the line. Catching up on some photo post production. Another round of lawn mowing. A trip to the city to scout out some location spots for a photo session next weekend. Playtime with my girls (doggies). A stroll through the public gardens. A walk downtown. AND last but not least, hopefully, I'll have a chat with my guy. Sounds to me like this day is going to be just F.I.N.E.

1 Response to "just F.I.N.E."

Cara Says:

Oh Lisa, the pictures of the kids are beautiful. Especially the collage of Emma. She's so cute.

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