Photography 101

Fleet Week is now over and the ship should be making its way back today. Wednesday is the arrival day and I can't wait. I can't wait to see his face. I can't wait o feel his arms around me. I can't wait to hear the details of what actually occurred in the last several weeks. I just can't wait.

For me this past weekend was filled with lots of photo taking, dance recitals and feeling a little lost.

Friday evening I was fortunate enough to spend a few hours with the most adorable duo. I love the energy these two have. Nick & Jill were such good sports during the photo taking and looked absolutely gorgeous. I had a plan, and that plan went out the window as soon as I started taking photos. I learned so much doing this "shoot" and can't thank them both enough for coming along this journey with me.

I also happened to learn along the way that they live two doors away from my cousin Kim whom I hope to share a photo shoot with soon. Small, small world indeed.

When I saw the above photo it reminded me of "cruise" photos from the 70s, thus the processing. Cute huh?

The above photo was actually taken early on in the shoot. I thought it may loosen us all up a bit. They looked gorgeous walking down this street. It's actually one of my favourites from the day.

I had to share the above photo. I snapped this while the wind was gusting. Jill has the most beautiful curly hair I have ever seen! Yes...there is a little hair envy going on.

This shot (above) was taken with me standing on the top of a picnic table. I absolutely love how they're looking at each other, BUT it's not a keeper because of the crop. When my new lens arrives this type of photo should be better achieved.

This photo (above) is one I did a few different ways. The one I thought was best was when Nick was in the background blurred with Jill out front. You can see how much she is adored all over Nick's face in that one.

This one (above) is another shot that was a "throw-away". As soon as I saw it I realized they should have been turned in the opposite direction with the light coming from behind. I still love their expression though. There wasn't too many shots that you couldn't see (feel) the love jumping through the photograph.

Above is a concept that I really wanted to do. I saw it somewhere I can't remember so I'm unable to give credit for the idea where it's due. I made a mistake here too! My idea was to have the photo in Nick's pocket as if it was shot that way, so Jill's hand needed to be up higher. Even though it didn't turn out how I planned, I still wanted to use it, and I think it came out just fine.

THE is absolutely beautiful, and it required showcasing. I love the depth of field on this.

The COOL TRUCK. I swear Jill & Nick would make anything look good they're standing next to, but something about this truck made me want to photograph them. I had made arrangements to head to a rooftop so I could photograph them with the bridge in the background. Because of that we were running out of time and I only took one shot. Unfortunately, when we got to the bridge destination the person with the key forgot to leave it for me, so I was really disappointed. More so, because we could have spent more time talking to the vehicle owners and taking lots more photos.

This photo (above) is also a concept I really wanted to achieve. Nick and Jill will be taking their vows on June 12th. I wanted to have them with the number 12, and Pier 21 provided the perfect place for it.

I have several other photos on Facebook from the shoot that day if you'd like to take a look there.

Thank you Nick & Jill for being my first engaged couple. Thank you for making it so enjoyable. You are both lovely people.
I'll share some photos from the dance recital I attended on Saturday soon.

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