Taking it as it Comes

Tuesday already. Where did the time go? It seems like I haven't been up to anything, but I can tell you I haven't stopped moving. I've been taking things as they come.

My weekend of work was supposed to be interrupted by a a little fun at a birthday party on the farm, but instead it was interrupted by another visit to the vet. Sheesh! Poor Lily. Crying. Barfing. No peeing. Who needs kids???

My entire day yesterday from morning until evening was spent in the yard doing spring preparations. I am happy to report my awesome neighbour Jim was able to get the lawn mower started by pouring gas down the spark plug. I was so afraid that I wouldn't get it started again that I did the entire lawn knowing the bottoms of my feet were getting blistered. Damn feet! Ah! but it feels good to see a neatly groomed lawn.

I've started my photo class this week, and can't wait to really get at it. Look out world, another amateur photographer will be in amongst you!

My God Daughter and God Son that live in Washington have arrived in the City with their Mommy, so I'm planning a little visit with them sometime this week. My surprise birthday gift has fallen through so I'm trying to come up with something that will come remotely close. Sorry Emma!

I have another birthday party this week, hopefully a shoot scouting adventure with a friend, another visit with the vet for more x-rays and lots more on deck.

Wally's been sending me really funny e-mails so I'm thinking workups must be going along swimmingly. I'll actually get to speak with him sometime this weekend when they hit Baltimore! Yeah for that!

Until next time...have a good one folks!

EDIT: Shoutouts!!! - Happy birthday to my newphew (and Godson) Todd today. Happy birthday to my sister tomorrow. Happy anniversary to my sister and her husband next weekend. Happy birthday to my Goddaughter next week! Hope you all have memoriable days.

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