Get Up & GO!

We had a visit this weekend from the cutest little guy named Max. It was the funniest sight watching our two "girls" play with this little guy. Let's just say my girls were a little slower off the mark, and this littly guy had no trouble in the GO dept.

They romped and played non-stop. Well, practically non-stop, since my girls have just a few years or more on this young whipper snapper.

Let me add that my two are still hanging around moving slowly a day later. I don't think Lily has ever had this much fun burning around the yard with someone her own size.

I'm determined to find my GO this week. No more dragging my heels getting my office moved. Times a tick'n. Yes it is. My list of things to do is long. It's really long...and the way I'm behaving lately it's just going to keep getting longer if I don't find my GET UP & GO!!!

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