Showing our Pride

OK, in case you haven't noticed...the year is half over! Oh my! June has come and gone and now July has arrived with a bang.

I feel very blessed to be Canadian. I am the first to admit my experiences are limited to what I've read and heard from others, but I'll say it again...I am one proud Canadian!!

This year we were so very lucky to get an invite to share the Canada Day Holiday with our good friends Sue & Gary (who happen to own a sailboat). I must also say, if you don't live in Nova Scotia, or Atlantic Canada for that matter, you may not have noticed we've been shrowded with doom and gloom for two weeks now. Blech!!! Yesterday morning we awoke to no exception. As we drove through the drizzle and fog towards the yaht club I was thinking that we weren't even going to get out on the water...and also that it was a good thing that my new favourite beer (Bud Lite Lime) was again stocked on the shelves. Sad I know. But what else do you do when you're with friends sitting on a boat that is tied up to the dock? I digress....

I was so wrong! Thank goodness! We did manage to get the boat decorated and dried off before we headed out for a sail pass of HMCS Sackville (on the Halifax side). Since the wind wasn't cooperating we motored it and I drove the boat. Yeah, I know, doesn't take a genious to do that! But that's OK because we were on the water...After a return trip to the club and a hotdog (or 2) Gary & Sue decided to take a chance on the weather and give it a go.

We sailed around Point Pleasant Park and I said a quick hello to my Dad and then proceed back up the harbour towards Halifax. Amazingly (these days) the sun made an appearance and we sailed under both bridges and into the Bedford Basin. It was beautiful!

Of course, on the way back the weather took a turn for the worse, and we were rained on...some more than others (Wally). We didn't stick around for the fireworks, but that was OK because when we did get home, after a quick walk with the doggies, I parked my behind on the sofa and hung out with them for a long as I could stay awake anyway. Fresh air, rain, & sunshine makes for very sleepy girls and boys.

Thanks Gary & Sue for the hospitality you always extend to us. It was a great day!

Now, if you like, take a look at the top right photo up above. Do you see four people?

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