Change is in the Air

Ever have one of those days that you're in the mood to do almost anything? That was me yesterday...and I took it out on my hair. As I was driving into the city my mind wandered back and forth between cutting it all off and colouring it; and since I don't want to give my hubby a heart attack upon his return, I chose a new colour.

I'm at that point in my life where my hair is 90% grey. Yup! It's true! The front and top is almost snow white and the sides and back still have a little colour in them. Several years back we started to colour my hair darker because the grey wouldn't cover anymore with my "light brown". Since that time I have recieved many, many comments about how my hair used to be so nice when it was the grey wouldn't show so much if it was lighter, etc. etc. Yesterday, I took the plunge. After 5 hours or so of stripping colour, adding colour, stripping more colour, etc. I am blonde. As I looked into the mirror this thought popped into my head..."OMG, I look like Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife"....and, yes, that's a true story. I don't think my beloved Tim (stylist) thought it was too funny when I shared that thought with him either. I'm not sure how long I will stay this colour but for now I have a new look. In fact it's so new it still scares me a little!

While in the city I finally picked out a camera bag that I desperately needed. It's a little large for my needs right now, but I wanted to get one that would grow with me. Hint. Hint. I am still pining over the 70-200mm lens that the price keeps creeping up on.

I had to rush home to pick up Sienna from her day at the spa (groomer) and get some laundry on the line. After a little watering and weeding I waited for a call from my guy which eventually did happen. By the way...he used the word "foxy" to describe my updated that still a word? It made me chuckle just seeing it written...I'm foooxxy....ha!

TODAY: I'm off to the Valley to take some photos of gaggle of people and then have a visit with my Mom. Sounds like a good day to me!

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