Sweet Girl

This is my sweet, sweet girl, Sienna. She's such a pretty girl. Such a sweet girl. Such an easy going girl. She just happens to be not very bright. I know, how can I say that about my little darl'n? I can because it's true.

Once you get past the laundry on the clothes line do you see the rope that is going behind her and looks like she is going to strangle? Do you see how she looks torchured and desperate? Well...she's not. She isn't even really caught on anything. If she would have just walked off the deck her nightmare entanglement would be gone. [sigh] Poor thing. As pretty and sweet as she is, she has just never grasped the idea of pulling slightly on her leash or rope.

I can actually consider this a positive aspect of her personality. It means she won't pull me when I'm walking her. It means she won't frantically pull the deck off the house trying to chase a bird or a cat or a deer or another dog or a horse or a muskrat or a turkey...OK maybe that's not true since the incident I try to forget at my sister's farm a couple of years ago...

She decided to chase down the poor turkeys who were just hanging out. I couldn't believe it! She actually climbed a fence to try and catch one of the poor buggers. (no turkeys were fatally injured in this fiasco)

As long as she has a rope attached to her collar (even if it's not attached to anything else) she is quiet and won't run away chasing her dreams of being some kind of a hunting dog. If she happens to be rope free that's another story. This sweet girl of mine has chased down a rat and killed it. She's discovered a snake in our basement and quickly let me know she wasn't happy, and as long as we lived in that house I made her go into the basement and search every corner of it before I would head down to the bottom of the stairs to do the laundry. She has scrapped with a muskrat that lived under our deck the first year we moved into our current home....All of these incidents just happened to take place while Wally was away. So, basically, when I'm on my own she summons her inner Cujo and turns into a protector. When Wally's home, she turns into mush.

It's OK Sienna. I understand. You are who you are, and at this point nothing's gonna change!

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