Two days. Two days of bright sunshine and warm temperatures. No doom and gloom skies here folks. Not too hot. Simply beautiful!

My weekend was full of computer stuff doing what I get paid for (thanks Glenn), mowing grass, doing laundry and waiting for phone calls. In amongst all that was probably the best time I have had with "just girls". The Regatta for the Cure took place on Saturday and I had an absolute blast! Sue (pictured above before the race) was fantastic in her roll as Captain (which I knew she would be!). Patience. Calm. In Control. That's how I would describe her even though I knew there were nerves too.

I love the above photo. I only met Phil and Sara this past Christmas and they've been posted back home to England in August. Lovely, lovely couple, and I'm glad I got to meet their kids too...that's their daughter dressed in fine attire from the morning sail pass.

The above photo of a couple of the "girls" bathing in the sun was taken before the race too. I quickly discovered once we were racing the camera had to go away. There is quite a difference between racing and a leisurely sail in the harbour!! My heart stopped once when we heeled over and I heard a crash inside the cabin thinking it could have been my camera. After a bit of a struggle, I managed to get below and put it away and in a safe place...

See the boat pictured above? That's the start line to the left of it...and we had an awesome start! Sue manoeuvered the boat exactly where it needed to be and timed it almost perfectly to come across the start line when the horn blew. After struggling a little with almost no wind on the way to Dartmouth she had us flying on the way back towards the finish line. It was so much fun! She guided the boat exactly where it needed to be and made me (and I'm sure all of us) feel good about not really know what do to.

...and you know what? I think the two of us could actually sail the boat by ourselves (with her in charge of course!).

Wally spent his weekend sweat'n it up in Charleston. Looks like what he thought was going to be a relaxing trip for him isn't going to turn out that way. Now that's a shocker! They'll be in Philly next week and then hopefully making their way home...with another round of successful exercises under their belt - hopefully!

TODAY: The Chev. goes in to get a new gas cap (of all things) due to an engine light that likes to come on for no reason, and hopefully they'll get the cruise working again. We're still having a strange nasty sounding sound from the starter once in a while too, but, of course, the "machine" says there's nothing wrong, so I guess there's nothing wrong right? least until the warranty is up in the next few months!

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