Hello Wednesday. I'm happy to see you even though the sunshine is still being evasive in our neck of the woods. Oh! and in case Mother Nature has forgotten, may I add that it's summer! That means I should be swimming in my little pool on my lunch break and after work most days. It also means I should be sighing about how hot it is but not complaining because I'm blessed to have air conditioning...and a little pool. Each morning for the last two weeks when I awake I immediately look out the window for that yellow orb we call sun. But alas, it hasn't made it's appearance...sigh.

Since Wally is again on a little jaunt to the U.S. getting ready for his longer jaunt in the fall, I am here working away on things I don't really need to do and avoiding the things I really need to do. I have 3 weeks to prepare for our company. Plenty of time. Plenty of time if you get off your behind and get the things done that should get done.

My office is now situated on the main floor. All is done except the bookcase. I also need to scout out a new piece of furniture for the corner of the room that can house my TV, hide all the cords and add some more storage to the room. The bookcase is sitting there looking all clean and pretty awaiting me to get down to business. Come to think of it, I should take a photo of the mess of stuff that came off the bookcase to give you an understanding of why I'm procrastinating about this one. Because the bookcase is now on the main floor I can't pile it with all the crap it contained before. Since it will be seen, it has to look "pretty"...well, not pretty...just repectable. [sigh]. That's what I just did thinking about the piles and piles of "stuff" covering the floor of the new spare bedroom.

I had planned to get the upstairs guest bath updated, but my hope is quickly fading on that one. It has been too damp to paint (that's my story and I'm stick'n to it!).

The above Canada Day scrap pages have been sitting here for days now. I have arranged and re-arranged many, many times and I finally have given up. There is something definitely "off" about these pages. I tried to mix things up a little and I'm not comfortable with it for sure. I generally like things clean and semetrical. I try not to spend a lot of time on scrapbooking and these two pages took way too much time to complete...especially since I'm not in love with the design. However, I do love the photos and the background made with photos from the day.

TODAY: Work. That's it. Well, maybe I'll squeeze in a walk without the dogs and a bit of grocery shopping. Laundry is piling but I keep being hopeful the sun will make an appearance so I can hang it out on the line. Fingers and toes are crossed that tomorrow is going to be the day!

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