Deployment Reality

I must say it's hard to get back in the groove. Up until a month or so ago it was automatic for me to sit down in front of my PC and quickly write a little something about what recently happened or what was about to happen. How easily that routine was destroyed! I am attempting to get routine back in my life right now. I need it in more ways than you can imagine. So, for the next while, if you're following me, I hope you can be understanding, because lord knows what's going to be coming at you.

The above photo represents what's happening in my life right now. Wally came home with these items two days ago. All I can say, how things have changed. I'm going to sound really old now; well, because bascially, I feel old when I think about these types of things.

Times have changed in the Military that's for sure. Most notibly is the obvious - technology has advanced so far in the past 15 years. When Wally & I first started doing "the deployment thing" together there was no e-mail, or phone cards. We always had lovely gifts of $800/mth. phone bills to catch up on when he returned. When e-mail first arrived on the scene they weren't private. I could write a message to Wally and someone on the other end would print it off and drop it off to his bunk sometime in the next few days.

I remember him telling me that there was two LS Bennett's onboard during one of his deployments, and the person dropping off the e-mail mixed them up. Wally received an e-mail from what I am sure is a lovely woman. As he read the part about the washer breaking down he thought...that sucks, but OK. He read a little further and saw the dog was sick, and thought...well, that really sucks, but OK. Then reads on to hear the kids are sick. Wooooh! The kids?....brain kicks in and he looks at the names on the e-mail to discover he had received the other LS Bennett's message.

I haven't yet looked at the CD or the very attractive leather bound and embossed binder that provides what I'm sure is a ton of information for me while he is deployed. All I was thinking when he dropped it on the table was...guess it's really happening.

I'll deal with this all later. Like when I see him sail out of the harbour and around George's Island.

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