about a LADY

Dear Mom...I told you recently how proud I am of you; and I don't want us to forget that feeling. You have had many struggles in your 74 years, but the last couple [of years] since Dad's passing have been very difficult for you. It was so hard for those of us that love you to stand by and witness you retreat into your shell so much that I started to think I would never see who you really are again. Slowly, these past several weeks I have begun to see glimpses of the woman you are, and to witness you in all your glory on your birthday was such a joy for me. As you and "sister" sat across from me at the restaurant I couldn't help but look at you...I mean really look at you. You have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, and on that day they were sparkling as if they were the birthday candles for your big day. As you told the stories of your afternoon adventures of shopping together, laughing together, and dancing together I couldn't help but be enveloped by the shear exhuberence you were expressing.

As I spoke to you the next day we talked quietly about how well you were doing, and all that you have achieved, and the Christmas preprations you were completing [and enjoying], I felt a weight lift. My Mom will be OK. I had to write this down, so we wouldn't forget how we felt on your 74th birthday.


This photo was taken on Friday at Mom's birthday dinner, and is not very flattering (due to me not her).

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