Good Friend. Good Food. Reality Hits.

I haven't eaten a really good meal in probably months (I don't count eating out in the "good" category). I had one of those days yesterday that happened just at the right time. I had lunch with a friend who decided last minute that she would cook for us instead of going out. That was a decision I am so thankful for. As I think about the meal I salivate all over again. Not a word of a lie, when I came into her building I could smell the aroma of garlic and herbs. When I entered her apartment it enveloped me; and trust me when I say, the aroma was no match for the taste...It was so good I had to be cruel and brag about it in an e-mail to Wally. Thanks Sue. Your timing was impecable...

I surprised myself and didn't have a melt-down week 1, or week 2, or week 3. I was proud of myself. I started to think this will be a piece of cake. I can do this without being a soppy mess. Then I spoke to him [Wally] yesterday morning, and as we said our good byes I couldn't contain the choke in my throat. I did my best, but he knew. Gosh I hate it when that happens! I have been on the verge of waterfall tears ever since; but late yesterday afternoon I did what I do - I ate my way through it. I am mad at myself today, but what's a girl to do huh? This too shall pass. It always does.

See the guy to left in front? Apparently that's Wally. I'll take his word for it because I certainly can't tell the difference. The beige "jumpsuits" are part of the boarding party team uniform, and the blue shirts/pants/ball hats are the ship's work dress.

Below, you may recognize him as the guy standing on the ground to the right...if you do I'm impressed!

These photos were taken in Malta. Pretty sweet huh?

TODAY: It's clean up the mess day. It's take the car for repair day. It's take care of my hip day. It's catch up with my course day. It's process photos day. It's go to the vet day. It's laundry day. Today is the kind of day that keeps me going day.

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