Photography Dreams

OK. I admit it. My life these days has been pretty dull and boring. I don't seem to have any interesting tidbits to share. I am missing a little excitement. Basically, this means that I have to get my behind in gear and make life a little more interesting. Soon. Yes indeed. Soon.

I wasn't entirely happy with how I processed the recent photos of Nick & Jill, so late last night I revisited them. I thought the original fell "flat" and I think this "do over" has a little more "pop". What do you think?
If you are someone who is thinking about having holiday pics, feel free to contact me, as I have a bit of time available.
This weekend I'm spending lots of time in front of my computer working and day dreaming about photography (yes, while I'm working). I'm obsessed!
My fingers and toes are crossed that Kim's baby makes his appearance quickly, and that his Mamma comes through just fine.

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