Christmas Lost

I don't know how to write this without sounding like a drama queen, so I'll just say it. I am really, really upset. I received an e-mail from Wally this morning letting me know that only 1/3 of the mail was received by the ship, so the Christmas packages everyone was hoping for will not arrive in time for the holiday. I am so saddened by this, and I can only imagine how everyone onboard must feel! That little bit of home each sailor was to receive would have made the holiday at least bearable for them.

I sent two parcels that contained a total of 32+ individually wrapped gifts. The first package went what I thought was early enough that he would only have to open the first 7 at once (I numbered each one and attached a silly note to turn this into a little bit of a game with the advent calendar that was included). I can't put into words how upset I am about this!! I wish I could blame someone, but I can't. I followed the instructions I was given. The person who sent out those instructions would have been following what someone else had told him, and so on and so on. It isn't anyone's fault, but it doesn't help all of the sailors who won't have Christmas.

A part of me is hoping that someone had a hairbrained idea that Santa could deliver the gifts from a Sea King on Christmas day. I pray that's the case, but at the same time, if it is, I'm really upset that the hopes of so many people could be dashed by such a stunt! I think, in reality, everything is most likely caught in customs. Let's hope that the lovingly wrapped parcels at least eventually make it to their destination, in tact and without missing contents!

I find it odd how upset I am about this, especially since Wally & I have never put an emphasis on gift giving during Christmas. It must be because I know how important this holiday is to him, and that neither of us like being apart even for a short time (hard to believe I know). The idea of him not being able to read each of those notes I wrote to him [over and over again] to help him through this time, just makes me sad....fingers crossed, we will all be surprised. I'm sure there are people working very hard to make this happen. Please, please, please make this happen!!

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