...and more GO!

Yesterday was good. It was good in the sense that I spent hours and hours in front of the computer (until my head felt like it would explode), and happily took the doggies on their 2x daily jaunts. I actually ate a proper lunch of soup and sannie, even though dinner was an awful unfortunate mess that contained crackers, cheese & oysters (hey, at least it didn't come in a paper bag!)

My head is swimming with thoughts about photography. It is what is constantly on my brain. I could spend hours drawing up business plans, logos, websites & brochures; but what I'm really dreaming about is location sites, family sessions and newborn sessions. I constantly have ideas about poses, positions, locations, and hats. I am obsessed with hats. Trust me when I tell you that I need restraint when it comes to visiting Etsy. I want almost every darn hat that could be made by mankind!

What I wish I had was a mentor. A photographer who I admire (which there are many) that I could watch and learn from. That would make for a very happy me!

TODAY is almost like groundhog day. Work. Walk. Food & meds.

...and a shout out to Candice...Hope this birthday is the best!

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