it's all GO!

Yesterday I said the worst thing about a whining, snippy, complaining wife was one that was clear across the world. Well, I'd like to amend that slightly today. The worst thing about being the whining, snippy, complaining wife who is on the other side of the world, is that said wife cannot make contact with her husband after her said whining, complaining and snippiness. The e-mail was sent to remind him it was just a bad mood that happened to be taken out on the wrong person at the wrong time, but somehow it just isnt' the stomach is all aflutter just waiting for his reply...

Yesterday, I did manage to suck up the fur that was taking over the basement, wash all the stinky doggie toys and blankets that inhabit our home, take a couple of walks with the doggies, get lots of work done, ate an entire pizza (it was all natural which makes it OK right?), and spend lots of time researching on the Internet. That my friends, makes yesterday a GO!

TODAY is day two of GO and I have already been at it for several hours. Work is getting accomplished, clients have been spoken to, walk #1 of 2 has been accomplished, breakfast was eaten sitting down and news has been caught up on. The sun hasn't made it's appearance but the roads are clear, the temperature is agreeable and the soft flurries floating down make me want to head outdoors again.'s all GO!

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