Weekend Roundup

Weekend #2 without my guy. 1st weekend I was off without my guy. Just F.I.N.E.

My list of things to do didn't get accomplished like I had hoped. After posting on Saturday I got up, sorted laundry. In that short amount of time it was pouring down rain. You may ask how is it possible to go from pure sunshine to rain in 15 min.? Visit Nova Scotia. It happens. A LOT.

OK, I admit it. I wasn't that heartbroken over not having to wait around watching a laundry machine do its thing so I could hang clothes out. The same said weather also prevented my round of lawn mowing. Now, that just broke my heart as much as the laundry situation. What's a girl to do when she is totally unable to do chores, you say? She goes and does some trekking around the city and tries to spend lots and lots of money.

First stop. Atlantic Photo Supply to purchase a new 24-70mm f2.8 lens that I finally convinced myself I could justify the cost. No luck with the lens but I did buy a fancy schmancy 5-in-1 reflector. After a stroll down Spring Garden in the rain I hit my next stop. Carsand Mosher to purchase the really expensive but coveted 24-70mm f2.8 lens. No luck there either. Apparently the economy is affecting distribution of photographic equipment to Canada. What's a girl to do when she's prepared to slap down $2,000?

Next stop. A stroll through Public Gardens that recently opened for the season and snap some shots. The photo above was taken during that time. I also hopped in the old beast and took a drive to Point Pleasant Park to scout out a location for next weekend. I'm glad I did because I have never seen the park in such poor condition. I'm thinking that location may just be taken off the list. Pier 21 should be OK but other than that I'm not sure what I'll do.

All the while I'm still thinking about the lens I can't seem to find. The harder it is to find a new lens, the more I'm convincing myself I absolutely must have that lens. You know that feeling...

So, off I head to Bayers Lake in search of Henry's. I find it. They also don't have the lens. BUT they do have a 70-200mm f2.8 monster! I tried that lens out and quickly decided it wasn't for me. This girl wants what she wants [sigh]. My dreams of photographing great family shots in the coming weeks are slipping away. Oh! I'll do them mind you, BUT it feels like they could be so much better with that illusive lens.

So. I'm thinking, self....self....the universal gods are telling you something today. [Listen] They're telling you not to spend money. They're saying you don't need to spend that kind of money on your hobby...

I heard it just fine. But for now I'm not listening.


Mother's Day Sunday. I corraled a few lobster to share with my Mom and sister at the farm. Awesome! BBQ steak, potato salad and lobster. What more can a girl ask for.

The most important thing I did get to do this weekend was talk to my guy. TWICE! This girl is a very happy girl.

2 Response to "Weekend Roundup"

Anonymous Says:

Hi Lisa!

Sorry to hear about the elusive lens search but it's great to hear that you spoke with Wally twice, that's always fun! I'm feeling better and more creative as of late, hopefully it persists! Hope to see you soon! B.

Tracy Says:

OK i just got on your site for the first time! It's awesome! You are a very gifted gal.....my bro is a lucky guy. you guys take care, see you soon in Cape Breton!

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