the RUN-around

Yesterday was full. Phone calls booking appointments. Deliveries. Drive to the City and back. Work that I actually get paid for. BBQ. Good news phone calls...

That's the simple, abbreviated version. Here's what actually happened. The sand for under our pool has arrived. Who knew a truck load can be so small - not the price tag mind you? To think not that long ago I was wishing the sand away (in Kingston).

Lunch with the ladies at Moxie's in Halifax. Once I found a way into the parking lot it was awesome. The motley crew of women that will make up our team for the Cancer Cure Regatta being held at Shearwater Yaght Club July 11th are quite a mix - young and young at heart - a lawyer, a nurse, a student, a Mom and so much more. It is going to be a blast. Look at it this way. I'm the co-captain. 'Nuf said! Good thing the lovely lady above is in charge! Imagine us beauties donning pink or black gowns, with all the accessories including tieras, long gloves and jewels. Now imagine us gorgeous gals sailing around the harbour in this getup! I smile just thinking of it. I also just may be hitting you up for a little donation for our fundraising if you happen to see me.

I had a lovely BBQ planned for my guy. Potatoes, rib steak, mushrooms & onions, you know how it is. Yummmmm! No propane. You know how it is. Crap! That was an easy fix though. Supper was just a little late thanks to Wally.
Good news phone calls are always welcome! A clean bill of health for my Mom is even more welcome!

How's that for a good day, and to top it off it was completed in the beautiful sunshine.

The awesome photo above is one of the ones I took on Sunday while actually driving on the back of Wally's bike. Quite the view! Now there is proof that I almost always have a camera with me.

TODAY: WORK! Driving to Digby and back with all the pitstops along the way. It's a good day to be traveling the 101. It's always interesting this time of year to see how many stops along the way for construction there will be. Trust me. It is worth it! Quite a difference in our highway already this season. That's one good thing about elections folks! Actually, it's about the only good thing about elections - well that and the fact that someone new will come into run this province of ours. Fingers and toes are crossed that the new guy (whoever it is) will get things done that need to be done!

Have a wonderfully delicious day folks!

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