all about the BOY.

A week ago today, we had a little visitor (and his Mom & Dad). Bradley has grown so much it is shocking! He impressed us with his rolling around and attempts at crawling, but I think he may just skip right on by those tasks because this little guy likes to walk! He's also fearless. We had a brief discussion how Chrissy may soon have a partner to share her love of roller coasters as her father did with her when she was young.

The last time Bradley visited our house he was only six days old. Now, just shy of 7 months last Sunday it is really hard to believe how quickly the time has passed.

Wally took some shakey video that I would love to combine with the photos I took that day. As soon as I figure out how to do that I'll have a share because it's too cute to pass up and leave hanging on my computer for no-one to see.

Wally also spent some time...well...being Wally... starts out all sweet and cuddly;

...but then it turns ugly.

...and that's all I'm gonna say on that.

Thanks Chrissy and Todd for taking the time to visit. Anytime you feel the need for Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches (or anything else for that matter), let me know, and I'll do my best to deliver.

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