Photographers' Workshop

Look what came in the mail for me this past Friday! One week today and this is what I will be up to!

I have admired Karen Russell's work for quite some time now and didn't think I would ever take one of her sought after classes...until this spring when I was feeling brave and decided to take a chance.

I actually didn't make it into this particular class, but Karen graciously added me to the winter session since I was one of the many on a waiting list. I e-mailed her to thank her and jokingly told her that dreary wet winters don't always make for beautiful pictures. Unbelievably, the next morning when I opened my e-mail she sent me a message saying she added me into the fall class. Talk about warm fuzzies before the class even begins!

Can you tell I'm pretty stoked about my upcoming adventure?! Now I'll just become a stalker looking for people who will be my next victims subjects.

TODAY: In honour of Labour Day I will be working in front of my computer. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

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