forming HABITS

Wow! Can I say [for the 100th time] how much I love our fall weather! It may not be technically fall, but I'm certaining taking advantage of the sun and temperatures that are hangin' with us these days.

I am fortunate enough to witness spectacular sunsets daily out my back window, and these days I am counting this as one of the true blessings of my life.

It took the opportunity last evening to experiment with my new old lens that I retrieved yesterday from the Camera Repair Centre on Hunter Street in Halifax. I must say the folks there gave me a scare when I arrived. The really nice man says there wasn't anything wrong with the lens and Canon wants me to send my camera body with it. I quickly feel the heat rise into my face. He says, let's take a look at it, and he snaps away, seemingly pleased with himself. He says "you're not getting what I'm saying". I'm too busy thinking what an expensive shelf ornament I have and that it doesn't even go with my decor! Then I clue in. He has previously told me it is quite common for the folks at Canon to say there isn't anything wrong with their equipment. Phew! I finally exhaled and took a look myself and snapped a couple of shots of the handsome guys that hang out at the shop. They were handsome to me this day because I was able to retrieve the lens that I have been guilt-tripping about since the day I purchased it.

Now I guess by new obsession will be that new camera body I've been mauling.

The above photo is my first attempt at photographing Sienna at sunset in the field behind our house. I'm playing with the light to see what works best for me. Again, I know this isn't a well done photo technically speaking but I love sunsets and wanted to include the sun in the photo. Hopefully, more practice will give me the shot I see in my head.

As for's something I have talked about before. Forming a new habit isn't easy. Sometime recently (or not) I have read how simple things can change your life. When Wally left this time I decided to do one simple task every day. That task is make my bed. This morning as I was taking the 30 sec. (OK maybe 1 min) to make the bed I think to myself...the 2 sec. it's taking me to make this bed is making my life so much better! How's that for feeling success!

Baby steps folks. Baby steps.

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