
Have you ever noticed how the universe has a way to show you that you are on the right path or that you need to change directions? Yesterday this happened to me. So very cool! I have talked about habits here before, and that I am taking small steps to make some major changes in my life. After posting on my blog yesterday I decided to visit a blog I haven't visited in many months. Rhonna Farrer is such a talent, and her words speak to me. Check out the 21 day challenge! Check it out now!

I planned to get my 21 day challenge started yesterday evening, but after I ventured out for another little photo session with Sienna I felt "off". Then I quickly went into the "I feel really crappy" mode of PJs, fuzzy housecoat, slippers & blanket while shivering mode. After getting advice from my Sis I actually took some medicine and went to bed where I continued to shiver and ache. If I'm honest, I don't feel any better this morning, but I'm pushing through...still in my PJs, slippers & fuzzy housecoat. Now, all I have to do is make the decision (which I know what it needs to be) to pick up the phone and let a very important someone down with my body's change in plans for the weekend.

Last night's photos turned out more like I envisioned that the previous night. This beautiful old girl knows how to work it doesn't she?

...the old girl still has some moves left in her!

...and then there's this one [sigh]...beautiful! (if I do say so myself)

Have a wonderfully productive and enjoyable day folks!

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