HMCS Fredericton Departs Halifax for Somalia

We arrived at the dockyard yesterday in the heavy rain, and after a bit of humm'n and haw'n we decided I wouldn't stick around. Of course, now I wish I did so I could have the last glance as they sailed out, but I certainly enjoyed the next best thing....aaaahhh! I just love technology. When I arrived home I thought to myself "I bet there are webcams on the harbour". Glad that thought came to mind because I was able to watch Freddy sail out of harbour. Here are a couple of screen shots.

Pretty cool huh?

Wally's now a TV star too. He and three other crew members are leaning on the rail near the end of the segment.

...and this is what it looked like when we arrived on the jetty and just before I left. These photos look so bad because the rain was driving so hard!

Yes...that is Wally racing back to the car after dropping off his last bit of gear.

...and this is Wally giving me a last wave as I finally left the jetty.

If you would like to get in touch with Wally over the next six months or so, feel free to contact me; or you can reach him directly via e-mail:

You can also send parcels to:

P02 Bennett, W.T.
HMCS Fredericton

P.O. Box 99000
Stn. Forces
Halifax, NS B3K 5X5

Parcels should weigh no more than 20 kg and max size is the size of a 24 box of beer. I believe it should also be free to send mail/parcels due to his deployment status (I hope).
After returning home from the departure to take care of the doggies, I turned around and headed back into the city for Davide Greene's Halifax Workshop. It was such a great experience to be with "real" photographers. I absorbed every bit I could even though I could tell I was a little scatter-brained....want to know how I know that? Well, I talked a bit too much...was my usual awkward self...and felt a little lost at times. When I see "real" photographer's work I am totally in awe. That's how I felt today. A little out of my league, but definitely on the learning curve!

1 Response to "HMCS Fredericton Departs Halifax for Somalia"

Anonymous Says:

Thinking about you Lisa, Hope you had not to bad a day

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